September 18, 2024


Germany’s continued use of terrorism legislation since 2010 to prosecute Eelam Tamil activists for their support of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the period 2007 – 2009 erases Germany’s own central role in bringing the possibility of a permanent just peace to the island. The Sri Lankan Peace Process acknowledged LTTE as authentic representatives of the Eelam Tamils in the North Eastern Province and brought about unprecedented possibilities for a just peace for all communities. Instead Germany’s criminalisation pushes forward US/UK policy that resulted in the mass killings of tens of thousands of Eelam Tamils in 2009 and the continuing genocidal process today. In the latest trial which began in Dusseldorf on 27 April 2022, two of the four accused – Nathan Thambi and Anandarajah – pleaded ‘not guilty’ to committing a crime by raising funds for the LTTE, fighting the terrorist characterisation of LTTE. They are currently appealing in a continuing political and legal campaign and need your support.

Inform yourself about the Anti-Deportation Campaigns: