September 18, 2024

The Swiss court will decide on the 8th January 2018, court hearings against a group of Tamil activists began in Switzerland. The court case, supposedly the biggest in Swiss history has taken a highly political character. The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland, is making a controversial allegation. In the media it has stated that by collection and sending money to their homeland, the Tamil refugees in Switzerland have extended the war and made it more gruesome. It is accusing the Tamil Diaspora of being responsible for the deaths of their brothers in sisters in the terrible events in 2009.
The scale of the slaughter in 2009 cannot anymore be hidden from view of the international community. A report commissioned by the UN secretary general estimated that over 70,000 Tamil people were killed (by the nearly 100% Sinhala army) during these few months. The Tamil Diaspora had, before the massacre in 2009, tried their best to support their brothers and sisters in their homeland. Since then they have been trying to get the international community to recognise the genocidal character of the assault that had taken place.
If the court in convicts the Tamil activists, then the real perpetrator of the genocidal crime will have an important new weapon. The Sri Lankan state and its external supporters will be able to point to this Swiss decision and say that it is not them but the Tamils themselves who are responsible for the terrible crimes.
This revision of history, this turning reality upside down, must not be allowed to take place. People from all over the world must challenge this.

What you can do:
The court proceedings will continue at least until the first week of March.
You can make a difference by taking an open stand.
By taking a selfie photo of yourself holding a handwritten placard – the text written in your own language – with the city and the country that you are from (please send us a text translation of the text).
Example texts for the placard…
1) ‘Switzerland – don’t blame the Tamils for the massacre in Mullivaiikal – blame the Sri Lankan state’,
2) ‘Mullivaikkal – it was Genocide not Suicide’.
(Mullivaikkal was the place where the final massacres took place)
3) ‘It is not a crime for the Tamil refugees to support their brothers and sisters in their homeland – in their hour of desperate need’.
4) ‘Switzerland – don’t blame the victims for the crime’
Or make small video clip, individually or from your organisation – in solidarity with the Tamils activists facing trial.
Email it to us at: and we will put it in our website.
We need your support – your ideas, your participation

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